Ancient Chinese healers knew of an incredible healing technique that eliminated menstrual cramps in minutes. They knew that there are points on the body, that they called acupoints, or acupuncture points, that ease pain and illness, often in seemingly miraculous ways. To help the body heal from many kinds of ailments, they stimulated its innate healing powers using acupuncture needles. But you don’t need needles to experience their powerful healing techniques-relief is right at your fingertips. These ancient Chinese healers knew that there is a secret point on the body that could quickly eliminate painful cramps from periods. They passed on their findings to acupuncture practitioners who continue to use their secret weapon against menstrual pain-with astounding results. Now, modern research even proves that this acupoint, not only lessens menstrual cramps, it even helps balance the underlying hormones that may be causing painful periods and PMS.The point lies along the Spleen meridian, an energy pathway that governs hormones, digestion (particularly of sweet foods), and the immune system. In multiple studies published in the journal Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion, scientists found that stimulation of this acupoint, called Spleen 6, on the leg, known in Chinese medicine to balance hormones, was more effective at alleviating painful periods than drugs. Numerous other studies show the effectiveness of stimulating this acupoint in the treatment of PMS and menopausal symptoms, labor pain during childbirth, endometriosis, and other hormone-linked concerns, as well as in the regulatation of most female hormones and menstrual cycles. Research in the Journal of Advanced Nursing and the Korean journal Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi found that stimulating this point with finger pressure was effective at reducing pain linked to menstrual cramps. Another study in theJournal of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that acupressure applied to this point was as effective at alleviating menstrual pain as the medication ibuprofen. To locate this powerful point place one hand with your baby finger in line with the base of your ankle bone, on the inside of your leg. Just above your forefinger, along the edge of the bone, you’ll find a point that is quite tender to touch, particularly if you’re suffering from painful periods. Simply hold the point until your menstrual cramping diminishes. It can take five to ten minutes for some women. You’ll know you’ve found the right point because it will feel tender when you press it. Repeat as necessary throughout the day for best results.